Automation in Rhino: Essentials

‍This 20-hour live training focuses on understanding Rhino geometry classes and their significance to automation.

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About the Training


In this fundamental training, we delve into comprehending Rhino's geometry classes and their pivotal role in automation. We establish a strong foundation by exploring and applying core concepts in Rhino automation, harnessing built-in capabilities and Grasshopper. Hands-on projects foster practical learning and application, focusing on creating Rhino blocks and advanced automation scripts.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this training, you'll possess the skills to master Rhino's geometry classes, execute essential Rhino automation tasks, create and utilize Rhino blocks, integrate external data, and troubleshoot automation scripts. You'll also be proficient in automating intricate design processes, laying the groundwork for more advanced automation workflows.


Part 1: Geometry Classes in Rhino and Automation Basics (4 hours)
Part 2: Rhino Blocks and Automation Scripting (4 hours)
Part 3: Data Transfer and Advanced Grasshopper Automation (4 hours)
Part 4: Debugging and Automation Best Practices (4 hours)
Part 5: Final Project: Automated Design with Rhino and Grasshopper (4 hours)

Training Content

Part 1: Geometry Classes in Rhino and Automation Basics

Rhinoceros 3D is one of the world's leading CAD modeling programs, known for creating Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) curves and surface geometries. This part of the training provides a comprehensive introduction to geometry classes in Rhino, optimizing your workflow through automation and introducing you to innovative algorithmic visual programming with Grasshopper.

Basics of Geometry Classes in Rhinoceros

  • Introduction to NURBS geometry creation in Rhino
  • Navigation and customization of the Rhino user interface
  • Precision modeling, drawing aids, and automation potential
  • Practical exercise: Application of various geometry classes in a Rhino project

Introduction to Automation in Rhino and its Benefits

  • Understanding the fundamentals of Rhino automation
  • Recognizing the advantages and limitations of automation in Rhino
  • Identifying tasks where automation can be applied
  • Practical exercise: Designing a bridge using Record History and identifying potential areas of automation in a Rhino project

Introduction to Grasshopper for Automation in Rhino

  • Understanding the basics of Grasshopper (algorithmic visual programming)
  • Practical exercise: Paneling a double-curved facade using Grasshopper in Rhino

Part 2: Creation of Rhino Blocks and Initial Application Examples in Grasshopper

This section explores Rhino blocks, covering editing, automation with macros, geometry analysis, and repair. We'll also work together in Worksessions.

You'll learn about Rhino blocks, including creating, modifying, selecting, and reusing them. Practical exercises, like designing an office building, will enhance your learning and hands-on experience with Grasshopper and Rhino.

Understanding and creating editable Rhino blocks

  • Overview of basic editing and transformation principles specific to classes
  • Focus on automation: Creating Rhino macros to automate repetitive modeling tasks
  • Geometry analysis and repair measures
  • Focus on collaboration in Worksessions
  • Basics of Rhino blocks
  • Creating and customizing nested blocks
  • Selecting and swapping blocks
  • Saving and loading blocks
  • Practical exercises: Designing an office building with blocks and interaction between Grasshopper, blocks, and geometry classes

Part 3: Grasshopper and Data Transfer

This section focuses on precision modeling in Rhino, automation using Grasshopper, and the issue of data transfer. In the first part, you will learn the basics of project planning and collaborative work, creating 2D drawings and geometries. The second part deepens your knowledge of Grasshopper, particularly concerning cluster creation. In the third part, we deal with data formats and import/export in Grasshopper. Practical exercises include importing data from external sources.

Deepening Precision Modeling

  • Best practice: Project planning in Rhinoceros
  • Using Worksessions for collaborative work
  • Creating floor plans and dimensions
  • Creating sections with annotations
  • Creating geometries based on floor plans and sections
  • Transforming curves into surfaces, volumetric bodies, and hatches
  • Focus: Extrusions and arrays
  • Focus: Boolean operations between geometry classes
  • Focus: Automated creation of additional 2D floor plans and section drawings
  • Focus: Arranging, dimensioning, and grouping

Grasshopper for Rhino Automation

  • Advanced basics of Grasshopper
  • Working with plugins and internal Grasshopper programming languages
  • Creating, optimizing, and clustering Grasshopper scripts
  • Practical exercise: Creating a high-rise building using your own Grasshopper clusters  

Data Transfer in Grasshopper

  • Understanding geometric data transfer formats in Grasshopper
  • Importing and exporting data in Grasshopper
  • Automating Grasshopper scripts based on data transfer from external sources
  • Practical exercise: Importing point clouds, Excel, and CSV data into Grasshopper

Part 4: Debugging, Best Practices, and Visualization in Rhino and Grasshopper

This section enhances your skills in working with Grasshopper scripts, debugging, and best practices for successful automation. We will cover documentation, testing, process validation, and script reuse.  

Additionally, we will expand your knowledge of visualization and visualization in Rhino and Grasshopper. You will learn the basics of rendering, create animations, and work with layouts and automated PDF options.

Our training offers many valuable skills to take your Rhino and Grasshopper knowledge to the next level. Dive with us into the world of automation and visualization.

Debugging Grasshopper Scripts

  • Identifying common errors in Grasshopper data structures and geometry creation
  • Routines for fixing errors in Grasshopper scripts (debugging)
  • Practical exercise: Debugging an automation script in Grasshopper

Best Practices for Robust Grasshopper Automation and Reusability

  • Tips and strategies for successful automation
  • Documentation of processes and changes
  • Testing and validation strategies
  • Reusability of automation scripts  

Deepening Visualization Options in Rhino and Grasshopper

  • Rendering basics
  • Focus: Display modes and their customization
  • Rendering basics and working with environments
  • Focus: Materials and their customization
  • Working with location-based sun settings and environment models
  • Animations
  • Animation basics in Rhino
  • Sun studies
  • Working with snapshots
  • Layout creation
  • Basics of layouts
  • Creating layouts
  • Automated import and export options for collected PDFs

Part 5: Final Project

Our final project focuses on the automated design of a high-rise building. We start with the project requirements and a management strategy, apply your Rhino knowledge, and deepen it with advanced modeling concepts. You will automate construction tasks, integrate external data, and create a parametric skeleton, circulation, and facade in Grasshopper. Data models such as furniture and people will be automatically placed, your workflow documented, and renderings/layouts created. Finally, you will present your design and automation approach — a comprehensive project demonstrating your skills and best practices.  

Project: Automated Design of a High-Rise Building

  • Explanation of project requirements and project management strategy
  • Designing the high-rise building in Rhino based on your learned knowledge
  • Specific support and deepening of advanced modeling concepts
  • Application of automation techniques for construction tasks
  • Integration of data from external sources
  • Creation of parametric skeleton structure in Grasshopper
  • Designing circulation in Grasshopper
  • Developing the facade in Grasshopper
  • Automated placement of data models (e.g., furniture and people)
  • Documentation of your workflow
  • Creation of automated renderings and layouts
  • Presentation of your design and automation approach


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John Cannon
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€ 1,200 
(Excluding VAT)
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This is some text inside of a div block.
€ 1,200 
(Excluding VAT)
Level I
Level I
Level I
Expert Level:
Level I
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Tech Stack:
Rhino, Grasshopper
Basic understanding of Rhino
Accredited by German Chambers of Architects
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Lernen Sie Coding und Automatisierung für echte Produktivitätssteigerungen bei Ihren digitalen Bau- und BIM-Projekten. Unsere von Experten geleiteten Schulungen konzentrieren sich auf reale Probleme und praktische Anwendungen. Unsere Schulungen sind für die AEC-Branche konzipiert.